The city of Westbrook's pleasant small-town style and appearance have been linked for more than a century to the Maine paper and wood pulp industry. Today Sappi International manufactures a wide range of products, while nearby Calpine Industries has a huge state-of-the-art natural gas fired power plant supplying electricity to more than 500,000 homes and businesses in southern Maine. Nestled on the banks of the Presumpscot River, which has powered many Maine paper mills over the decades, today the River is the site of a lovely waterfront park, with the Saccarappa Falls right in the middle of town. Incorporated in 1891, the city is named for an early settler, Col. Thomas Westbrook.
City Hall
2 York St.
Westbrook, ME 04092
Population: 16,900
Area: 17.2 square miles
Distance to Portland: 5 miles
Westbrook City Departments and Boards
The city of Westbrook's pleasant small-town style and appearance have been linked for more than a century to the Maine paper and wood pulp industry. Today Sappi International manufactures a wide range of products, while nearby Calpine Industries has a huge state-of-the-art natural gas fired power plant supplying electricity to more than 500,000 homes and businesses in southern Maine. Nestled on the banks of the Presumpscot River, which has powered many Maine paper mills over the decades, today the River is the site of a lovely waterfront park, with the Saccarappa Falls right in the middle of town. Incorporated in 1891, the city is named for an early settler, Col. Thomas Westbrook.
City Hall
2 York St.
Westbrook, ME 04092
Population: 16,900
Area: 17.2 square miles
Distance to Portland: 5 miles
Westbrook City Departments and Boards
Gorham was founded in 1736 and incorporated in 1764. You can see Gorham's history in many of the homes, buildings and landmarks still standing today. Gorham has several distinct and historical neighborhoods as well as the Village area. The University Of Southern Maine has their campus located within walking distance of downtown. The town is comprised of residential, local business, industrial and commercial activity. Gorham continues to transcend from small, agricultural community to a large town with increasing involvement in the livelihood and economy of Greater Portland. From the early days of regular trolley and train connections to present day residential and industrial growth, Gorham remains a vital community in what is now an economic center for the State and the broader region. As the Portland economy continues to expand westward, Gorham is emerging as one of the most valued areas in which to live and work, ideally situated for future commercial and industrial development.
Town Hall
75 South Street, Gorham, ME 04038
Population: 16,381
Area: 51.3 square miles
Distance to Portland: 10 miles
Gorham Municipal Directory
Gorham elected officials
Gorham Board and Committees
Gorham was founded in 1736 and incorporated in 1764. You can see Gorham's history in many of the homes, buildings and landmarks still standing today. Gorham has several distinct and historical neighborhoods as well as the Village area. The University Of Southern Maine has their campus located within walking distance of downtown. The town is comprised of residential, local business, industrial and commercial activity. Gorham continues to transcend from small, agricultural community to a large town with increasing involvement in the livelihood and economy of Greater Portland. From the early days of regular trolley and train connections to present day residential and industrial growth, Gorham remains a vital community in what is now an economic center for the State and the broader region. As the Portland economy continues to expand westward, Gorham is emerging as one of the most valued areas in which to live and work, ideally situated for future commercial and industrial development.
Town Hall
75 South Street, Gorham, ME 04038
Population: 16,381
Area: 51.3 square miles
Distance to Portland: 10 miles
Gorham Municipal Directory
Gorham elected officials
Gorham Board and Committees