Want to promote your business and events to a wider audience within the Portland Region? Take advantage of member marketing with the Chamber!
The Portland Regional Chamber is the premier organization to help you build your professional network, one connection at a time. We utilize our various marketing channels to increase visibility for our members and connect them to each other through a variety of events and networking opportunities.
Subscriber Perks:
Small Business Saturdays and True Blue Tuesdays:
- Small Business Saturday + Instagram Takeover:
Small Business Saturdays + Instagram Takeover will introduce our small business members (fewer than 50 employees) in an end-of-week post on the Chamber's social media along with the opportunity to "takeover" the Chamber's Instagram account over the weekend to tell their OWN story. *Please use the application HERE (or, below) for the chance to be featured in an upcoming Small Business Saturdays + Instagram Takeover*
- True-Blue Tuesdays:
True-Blue Tuesdays are an opportunity for our loyal, longtime members (5 years or more) to be the featured organization (for-profit or non-profit) in a weekly social media post on the Chamber's Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter. *Please use the application HERE (or, below) for the chance to be featured in an upcoming True-Blue Tuesday*
Marketing through the Chamber also includes:
- Inclusion on our online member directory (featured listings coming soon!)
- Promotion of your events in our online events calendar and in our weekly events eNews
- Posts/reposts on our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn)
- *Please use THIS form to provide us with ready-made social posts that the Chamber can easily repost* (or tag us on social media so that we are alerted to your post. Note: You must be following the Chamber in order to tag us!)
- News included on our website and in our monthly "Onward" eNews (or in our craft beverage-focused "Hop Forward" email)
- Physical marketing space in our downtown Portland location
- Additional advertising opportunities, in our eNews, on our website, and in our Annual Offerings & Resource Guide
- Opportunities for involvement in our popular events series - either as a sponsor/partner, presenter, vendor, host, or highlighted organization
- Request Chamber staff assistance at, and in the promotion of, your ribbon cutting and/or grand opening
- Request a Chamber mailing list, in excel format and/or as printed labels and a copy of our media list
Learn more about additional member opportunities HERE.
For a complete list of member benefits - including use of the Chamber's board & meeting rooms in downtown Portland, access to our mailing and media lists, and leadership opportunities with our regional boards - visit our Value of Membership section.
For a complete list of member benefits - including use of the Chamber's board & meeting rooms in downtown Portland, access to our mailing and media lists, and leadership opportunities with our regional boards - visit our Value of Membership section.