Support Local Businesses, Organizations, and People with the Pay It Forward Maine Initiative
Pay It Forward Maine was started by the Portland Regional Chamber and its partners as a collaborative community initiative and website containing an ever-growing library of ideas, tools, and resources for Mainers to support businesses, organizations, and each other - and themselves - during this pandemic. Scroll down for ideas on how YOU can #payitforwardmaine!
Let's Be Kind Campaign LaunchesIn the spirit of Pay It Forward Maine, the Portland Regional Chamber has partnered with the Retail Association of Maine and Maine Grocers and Food Producers Association to launch a "Let's Be Kind" public awareness campaign around “doing business differently.”
Learn more - and access a toolkit to help spread the word - HERE |
Listen to our Pay It Forward PSA:
Chamber Family & Friends for Pay It Forward Maine:
*Music credit* Artist: Josh Woodward / Song: LittleTomcat
Senator Angus King says Pay It Forward Maine!
Governor Mills Pays It Forward Through Maine HelpsGovernor Janet Mills also added Pay It Forward Maine to her Maine Helps COVID-19 Response Page, calling it "a new statewide effort to assist businesses affected by COVID-19 through a variety of important means."
*This is by no means an exhaustive list. Please share YOUR ideas for how to #PayItForwardMaine with the Chamber directly or in your #payitforwardmaine social posts, and we will add them to this list. We are stronger together!
*This is by no means an exhaustive list. Please share YOUR ideas for how to #PayItForwardMaine with the Chamber directly or in your #payitforwardmaine social posts, and we will add them to this list. We are stronger together!
Pay It Forward Highlight!
During the month of May, Casco Bay Ford exemplified #payitforwardmaine by donating $100 for every car sold to The Barbara Bush Children's Hospital at Maine Medical Center!
This resulted in over $15,000 being donated, and we couldn't be prouder of Casco Bay Ford and everyone whose purchases helped contribute to this worthy effort. |
Ways to Support Small Businesses
Buy a gift card, gift certificate, class pass, etc. (to use yourself at a later date or give as a gift!). The following websites are maintaining ongoing lists of businesses with gift card options:
Utilize take-out, curbside to-go, and delivery services. The following websites are maintaining ongoing lists of restaurants and other food shops offering these services:
BONUS TIP: Every time you have a drink or meal at home during social distancing, consider tipping a local service industry worker through Otherwise, find your favorite server, etc, on social and ask how you can send them a tip directly. (Service industry workers: Don't forget to add yourself to this website!)
Purchase merchandise, tickets, and other offerings from the websites of businesses who have temporarily closed their brick and mortar locations:
Support Maine agricultural and seafood farmers:
Support independent book stores AND Maine children:
See if your favorite service providers offer virtual options - yoga studios, health and wellness providers, accountants, etc.
Ways to Support Those in Need
Volunteer your time and efforts!
Help deliver groceries/medications/products to those in need, including the elderly and immunocompromised.
Put together packets for school children or help deliver/hand out meals for those still utilizing the free school breakfast and lunch program (call your local school directly to learn how to get involved).
(Please APPLY for the above funds if you need assistance!)
The Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP) has also been maintaining an extensive list of Financial Relief for Nonprofit Businesses and Employees. View that list HERE.
A Hub for Exchanging Resources:
The Greater Portland Resilience Exchange is a platform for exchanging available resources, assets, materials, and human capital to supplement the need of local government, emergency response, health care and other community services. It serves as a hub of information and matchmaking for both public and private stakeholders in the region. For USERS to participate, click HERE and for PROVIDERS, click HERE.
More Ways to Pay It Forward
Provide child-care for those still working (especially those in health care and medical fields) and in need of a helping hand.
Post a video of yourself sharing a favorite skill or technique.
#PayItForwardMaine Toolkit
Ways to Support Yourself
You know the adage "put on your own oxygen mask first" - and it's true! You will be better able to bring your best self back to your family, friends, job, and to all aspects of your life if you first take care of your own needs. Some ideas:
Get moving and get outside!
Make time for your hobbies and interests: Many of us are so overwhelmed right now that the idea of having ANY time for a hobby sounds foolish. But you can find the time. Instead of scrolling through social media or watching another stressful news update, read a novel or a magazine. Dust off those old watercolors or order an adult coloring book. Even just rewatch favorite movies or start digging into that endless Netflix queue.
Feed yourself culturally, while still supporting Maine museums/galleries, historical societies, and other educational experiences:
Don't forget about your mental health! With the world slowing down a bit, now is the perfect time to do less, reduce stress, and work on your personal resiliency. Breathe deep.
Pay It Forward Maine Community Partners
Below is an ever-growing list of partner businesses, organizations, chambers and associations (please contact the Portland Regional Chamber directly if you would like to join the campaign):
- A Family Affair of Maine
- Associated General Contractors of Maine
- Bangor Chamber of Commerce
- Bangor Convention and Visitors Bureau
- Bar Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce
- Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce
- Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce
- Biddeford + Saco Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce
- Brunswick Downtown Association
- City of Portland
- City of South Portland
- City of Westbrook
- Creative Portland
- Community Health Options
- Cooking for Community
- Damariscotta Region Chamber of Commerce
- Eastport Area Chamber of Commerce
- Educate Maine
- Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce
- Experience Maine
- Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce
- Franklin County Chamber of Commerce
- Full Plates Full Potential
- Greater Bangor Convention and Visitors Bureau
- Greater Freeport Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Portland Council of Governments
- HospitalityMaine
- Institute for Family Owned Business
- Katahdin Area Chamber of Commerce
- Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel Chamber of Commerce
- Learn Around the World
- Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
- Live+Work in Maine
- Machias Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
- Maine Ad + Design Club
- Maine Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives
- Maine Association of Nonprofits
- Maine Better Transportation Association
- Mainebiz
- Maine Center for Entrepreneurs
- Maine Food Strategy
- Maine Grocers and Food Producers Association
- Maine Open Online
- Maine Outdoor Brands
- Maine Tourism Association
- Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce
- Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce
- Ogunquit Chamber of Commerce
- Old Orchard Beach Chamber of Commerce
- Our Town Belfast
- Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce
- Portland Buy Local
- Portland Downtown
- Portland Old Port
- Portland Public Library
- ProsperityME
- River Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Scarborough Buy Local
- SCORE Maine
- Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce
- Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Skowhegan Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber
- St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce
- St. John Valley Chamber of Commerce
- State of Maine Office of Governor Janet T. Mills
- Startup Maine
- The Forecaster
- Town of Falmouth
- United Way of Greater Portland
- Visit Portland
- Wayside Food Programs
- W.S. Emerson